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Sharing your story is a great way to help and encourage other fathers who are going through similar experiences to you and offer your advice.

Where to start

We know that sharing your story might not be easy – but remember, it’s your story and you decide how much you want to say. If you’re struggling to find where to begin, it might be helpful to think about what was happening before your difficult experience, what occurred and how it’s affected your life. Are there words of hope or advice you can offer dads in a similar situation, or things you’ve learnt because of it?

How much should I write?

That’s up to you. Ideally, we’re looking for a minimum of a few paragraphs. If you’re not a natural writer, you can record your story and we can write it down for you.

Can my story be anonymous?

Yes. We’re equally happy for it to be attributed to you or for it to remain anonymous.

Can I record a video or audio clip?

Absolutely! We don’t mind how you share your story, as long as you’re comfortable with it. Just complete the form below and we'll be in touch to collect your audio or video file.

How we use your story

Your story will be used on our website and social media platforms. It might also be used at events and conferences to raise awareness of the challenges fathers face.

What happens when you submit?

When we’ve received your story, we’ll get in touch to confirm that we have it and to let you know when we’ll be publishing it.

Your story is important to Eddy and other fathers – thank you for sharing it!